Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jax's Favorite Part

Deciding what my favorite part of the internship is…is probably the hardest thing I’ve had to decide in a really long time. Everything about this internship has been amazing and I’ve loved every second of it. But when I think about what I’m going to miss the most when it’s over, the first thing that comes to mind are all of the people I’ve gotten to know. I’ve become such great friends with all of the interns and found role models in the majority of the staff. I can’t imagine not seeing everyone so often, which makes me pretty sad. On the bright side, though, I’m just so happy that I’ve been able to make all of these new friends and learn so much about not just animals but about being a good person. The cheery, friendly, kind staff has shown me what I should strive to be in any situation. I’m going to miss everyone so much because they were all my favorite part of the internship. People I’ll miss: Kate, Drew, all of the high school itnners, Ashley, Shelley, Jaime, Beth, Jon, Austin, Adam, Marzio, Jeremy “Lemur Guy”, Pru, Clif, Dave, Louis, Whit, Carnell, EVERYONE!!!


Jax (left) and Haley (right)


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