Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Caitlin's Favorite

I don't exactly have a favorite animal to work with because I enjoy each animal for a different reason. For example, I enjoy feeding the stingrays because you can feel their teeth when they suck the food out of your hand. I also enjoy seeing then come to the top of the water surprising visitors.

I also like working with the penguins because of the way they walk. It's almost like dancing and it's very amusing along with their honking sound.

The more we get to handle Rosie (Columbian Red-tailed Boa), the more I think she will become my favorite of all beacuse most of the people I know wouldn't have the courage to handle a 6.5 foot long snake and let her hang around their neck. Also, she is a sweetheart and feels different to handle compared to the other snakes for some reason.

- Caitlin Smith


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