Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Katri's Favorite Part

This is going to sound incredibly nerdy, but my favorite part of the internship thus far has been how much I have learned. I feel like I now know a little bit about a lot. I know so many fun and cool facts that I feel like I could carry on a conversation involving just about anything here at the Aquarium. And that is very exciting! All this knowledge I’ve gained is truly thanks to the billions of fact sheets and species sheets and laminated pieces of paper found around here. The laminated papers are the best things ever because they are just full of loads of information. Probably no one outside the Aquarium will ever want to talk to me about how the robust redhorse disappeared for decades or the difference between a channeled, lightning or knobbed whelk, but it’s still really cool information to have! I mean, in case I run into a whelk buff or something. But really, I have learned SOOO much this summer and I am incredibly grateful.
Also, sometimes there is cake around here that we get to eat and I really like that part of the internship too!



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