Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Josh's Favorite Part

To be honest, it is really difficult to pick out a favorite part of the internship so far. It’s still hard to believe there are only 2 weeks left. Above everything though, I have enjoyed interacting with all the guests and fellow co-workers at the Aquarium. Putting a smile on a young child’s face as they stare in bewilderment or utter happiness at a cool item, or at the trading post or at the underside of a horseshoe crab at the touch tank, is such a rewarding feeling. Sometimes it may even be a teenager or adult that is being enlightened, or frightened by the stingrays flapping against the water. I also have to hope that every environment that I work in for the rest of my life is as enthusiastic, energizing and caring as the one at the aquarium. Of course I’ll also miss handling all the various animals but I’ll try to volunteer whenever I can. ‘Nuff said.


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