Saturday, July 3, 2010

Week 2 & 3

The second and third week of our intern summer went so fast! Is amazing to think of all the things they have learned in such a short period of time. The past two weeks we've added several things such as:

Alligator handling
Trading Post training
Bird Diets
Bird Rounds
Waddle Wagon
Alligator bin cleaning
Sea turtle sun bathing
Bird Cart training

We like to add more and more things as the summer goes along so the interns don't get overwhelmed in the beginning and continue to learn new things all summer. As you could see from their blogs about their husbandry shifts, they really enjoying preparing food and feeding the animals (I have a couple more pictures to finish next week. Stay tuned for Ka'la, Erin and Carlee's thoughts on animal care).

The guests that visit the Aquarium have had a chance to interact with our interns on the floor and we've needed the extra hands (that's for sure!). It's been a busy summer and we still have so much more to do.

Here is my favorite picture of this week. It's of Ka'la, Jalonna and Hillary as we were getting ready for our Waddle Wagon program. That's Jalonna in the Waddle Wagon. Don't worry she's didn't really eat the penguin's fish :)



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