Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Angela's Funny Story

A vital part of every day working at the Aquarium is lunch time. A lot of us, being the teenagers that we are, are too lazy to pack a lunch. So, that leaves us two options, get lunch fom the sea turtles cafe (which requires walking up and down the stairs) or getting food out of the vending machine (upstairs). I think the choice here is obvious, but every time we put money in the machine expecting a delicious treat, it gets stuck! Every single time! On more than one occasion I've had a staff member walk by, notice my plight, and expertly shake the machine despite the very large "do not shake" sign posted on the side. I owe the staff here quite a lot for starving off hunger on these long days at the Aquarium.

- Angela Liu
(Angela as a sea turtle with Jeremy and Oddom at the Sea Turtles Cart)


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