Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Emoni's First Week!

My first week as an intern was awesome! It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would’ve been. Because of all the training courses, I believe it gave all of us the confidence that we needed to get on the floor and interact with guest and staff members, at the SC Aquarium, such as volunteers, interns and many other great people. Every day I came in, it wasn’t work, it was more like a fun learning experience! And for every day that I came in, I didn’t see it as being a job, it’s something ten times better than that. Overall my first week was phenomenal. Where else can you meet smiling guests, animasl with personalities, cool staff members and ice cold Kate and Drew?! I am anxious to see what the next 7 weeks will be like. I just know every day will be even better than the last!

-Emoni J


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