Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Jassmine and husbandry!

Taking care of these animals is such a cool experience. It’s like VIP duties to me, something that I can do and talk about while everyone watches in amazement. I think it’s funny though because I go home and tell my mom about what I do here at the Aquarium, and she talks about how I would never do anything related to that at home. Today, April, Emoni and I were doing bird rounds and things got a little bit interesting. Tom, the turkey, was getting a bit feisty with us and we had to go around a few times to get our work done without bothering him or him bothering us. Overall, it’s kinda fun. Why did I say “kinda”? It’s very fun. Well, ‘till next time, the adventures continue as we have a fun, learning experience here at the South Carolina Aquarium.

Love always,



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