Friday, July 13, 2012

What Jassmine will miss...

What?!?!?! Half way over? No way! That is totally crazy! I’m not sure how I feel about this…I’m so happy about my experience here, but yet, I’m so sad that this has to end. I’m definitely going to miss this. I’m going to miss all the people I interact with and all the cool animals I get to handle. I’m going to miss all the interesting husbandry duties that we do. I’m definitely going to miss all the other interns, the staff members and the volunteers, whom I have learned so much from. That’s something else I will miss too: learning. I learn something new every single day from all the people I’m around, but it’s always something that I can carry on. This is such a memorable experience. I’m seriously getting emotional when I’m writing this. My internship may be half over, but my experience will live with me forever.

Love always,



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