Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Haven's First Week!

My first week as an intern has been a roller coaster ride. Starting on Sunday, I was overwhelmed and I didn’t really like the job. Then coming back on Wednesday, I started going up the hill like a roller coaster. I started understanding the job and I was having fun. Thursday came and taking the sea turtles out to get some sun was fun! Now today Friday I am comfortable and love talking to guests that come to the Aquarium. I just know that this summer is going to be fun and I’m here along for the ride. I’ll keep a smile on my face and continue to spread the information I’ve learned. Once again I can’t think Drew and Kate, also our many sponsors for giving me the opportunity to work here.

Also a big part that helped me through my first week is the staff and how warm and friendly they are. Here at the Aquarium. I feel like we are all one big happy family. I really love how people on the staff are willing to take their time and work with the interns and also the volunteers. I can’t thank the Aquarium enough. Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I love the job.



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