Thursday, August 2, 2012

HSIP Summer Trip!

We had SO much fun on our HSIP fun day/summer trip/sleepover this year! We started at the Center for Birds of Prey learning about raptors and enjoying some flight demonstrations. Every intern was a trooper when the rain started the hammer down! We got soaked, but thankfully we were all in our beach gear!
AFfer the Center for Birds of Prey, we enjoyed lunch and then headed to Sulllivan's Island and enjoyed some relaxing beach time. It was so much fun for all ten interns to be able to hang out together since some didn't work many shifts together this summer.  ("Golden Fish"-interns...) The weather held out perfectly for the afternoon, and then we headed back to the aquarium for a SLEEPOVER! We created scrapbooks with photos to reflect the entire summer, played "Sardines" (best hide and seek game ever), played some Wii games, Giga-giga-ga-giga-ga-papa, and enjoyed sundaes, rootbeer floats and a game called "What are the odds"!
This might be my favorite day of the year...getting to spend time with all the interns at one time. This is a summer to REMEMBER!
-Kate and Drew


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