Friday, August 17, 2012

The summer is starts MONDAY!

Well it’s been almost two weeks since the interns had their last day…and it is quiet around here! I can’t believe it’s almost time for recruitment again! What an amazing summer we had! Everyone did such an AMAZING job this year and was a tremendous help to us when we are at our busiest. Special shout out to Emoni, Shelby and Jassmine who have all committed to helping us this coming Sunday, August 19th at the First Day Festival when we open the building FREE to anyone from 1-6pm. We usually see about 5000 people in that amount of time so it’s bound to be a lot of fun! Alex, April, Carles’, Destin, Emoni, Jassmine, Kyri, Shelby, Summer and Tyler-you are all greatly missed and hopefully we’ll get to see you all soon!

-Mama Kate and Drew


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