Thursday, August 5, 2010

Caitlin's Funny Story

It's funny how all the visitors never see the albino alligator move cause I can name multiple mornings where Oddom and I have sat at the Trading Post and watched him move, trying to get the fish.

I won't forget about the guy that told me to let the small gator bite him so he could have gator teeth marks on his arm. Then throughout the whole day he brought it up when he would see me.

Just the other day, Ka'la and I were doing the turtle cart and a girl ran off with the turtle puppet to show her counselor and when she came back she leaned on the table and with a ditsy voice complained about having to go shopping. What girl doesn't enjoy spending money? :)

None of my stories are really funny, weird or interesting but they were worth remembering. I forgot...a sting ray bit me and a box turtle peed on me!

- Caitlin Smith
(Caitlin is on the left in the picture. The other intern is Kaitlyn. How confusing!)


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