Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keomba's husbandry duties

It's pretty interesting! To be honest, ever since I've worked with Husbandry, I've gotten better at holding my breath! I don't like cleaning my doggy's poop so cleaning snake cages is 10 times worse! LOL! It's hard to clean it when it gets really hard. Plus, I have a mild OCD problem so trying to get every white piece of poop gets really annoying! But I like (weird, I know!). It gives me more time with my boyfriend, Monty Python [ball python]. He keeps a clean home so he's a keeper. (Sorry, all the snake waste is getting to me!)

Anyways, it's a good experience. When I get to make shrimp cups (although I'm 100% against animal death) I feel like Julia Child. But Julia wishes she could be a shrimp cutting-pooper scooper!


P.S. Sorry Mom, I know you hate it when I talk about snakes :)


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