Thursday, August 2, 2012

Carles's last blog

I believe that the intern program is a good opportunity for teens to go out and explore, conserve, and learn more about their environment. It also gave me the chance to get over my strong phobia of snakes. I used to think that all snakes were bad now I know otherwise. I gained knowledge that I can carry with me throughout the rest of my life. I also gained the confidence to go out and talk about the importance of animals and recycling to others. For interns in the future, I shall say to you: this wasn’t an easy task. You must work for what you want. If that happens to be this internship, make sure you put forth the time and effort. Be interactive and show your dedication through your homework. Everything you do in your training classes are a learning process and even if you don’t make it into the paid internship, take what you’ve learned with you for the rest of life. I will truly miss the other nine interns along with Kate and Drew and the education staff. They took us in with welcoming arms and taught us everything we needed to go out and have a successful future. Be mindful, these 8 weeks went by quick so cherish every moment of it like it’s your last.

Carles’ on left


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