Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jax's last blog...thoughts and advice

I can’t believe it’s almost over! Words can’t express how much I’ll miss coming to the Aquarium 4 days a week and seeing everyone’s smiling faces. Everyone has taught me so much about things that I know I’ll never learn anywhere else. The most important thing that I’ve learned is that my happiness can make someone else happy and vice versa. It’s impossible to be unhappy at the Aquarium because all of the staff’s good energy automatically rubs off on you. With that in mind, I’ve made a conscious effort to always at least smile because I know I can lift someone’s spirits. To all of the future interns I only have one piece of advice – have fun! Well, I guess I have two pieces because I also want them to know that I could savor every minute because it goes by super fast. And to any of the staff reading this, thank you so much for everything. You guys truly made this the best summer of my life and I’ve learned such valuable lessons from you. On top of that, I’ve made lifelong friends with the other interns and I love all of them so much. Ahh I’m gonna cry just knowing that this is the last (or one of the last) blogs I’ll have to write. I love everyone and I love the Aquarium!


From left: Jesslyn, Lexi and Jax


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