Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jesslyn's Favorite Part

Choosing a favorite part of the internship is an impossible task. I really love seeing and interacting with guests, and of course, animals. The wonderful staff is always friendly, helpful, and incredibly fun to work with. The guests are usually eager to learn and satisfying their inquisitiveness is very gratifying. The animals are always very exciting to see - what other jobs allow you to educate others about snakes, owls, alligators, turtles, stingrays and more every day? All the animals in the Aquarium are amazing creatures and I’m so lucky to be involved with teaching others about them and how to conserve their species. I guess that would be my favorite part of the internship – educating other and allowing them to see animals in a new way. The Aquarium does a fantastic job of giving guests a hands-on experience through animal programs, shows, the touch tank, trading post, interactives and more. I love that education is the priority at the Aquarium, and learning is really fun for guests. I am so grateful that I can also teach guests messages they may keep their whole lives, some that will save lives of animals. Somewhere, someone knows not to feed the gators, or cut the tails off stingrays. I am incredibly fortunate to be a part of the effort towards conserving the world’s amazing creatures!


Jesslyn (left) and Haley (right)


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