Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Katri is going to miss...

We were actually just talking about this the other day. In some ways, it sure feels like 4 weeks have passed. In others, it feels like two days. To know that we are halfway done makes me really sad. I’m sure it makes everyone really sad. At the same time though, I’m still really excited for the next 4 weeks! And Family Night! And Wednesday Funday and the sleepover! I’m also excited for volunteering in the fall. Kate and Drew can’t get rid of us that easy J.
When the internship is over, I think the thing I’m going to miss the most is all the fun we’ve been having. Okay, I know that sounds cheesy, but I’m serious! We all look forward to learning something new and having loads of fun while doing it. Even just sitting in briefings before our shifts, we are constantly smiling and trying not to giggle at the goofy things that happen. It’s so much fun!




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