Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Jax will miss...

I’m so ad! It’s all gone by so fast that I can’t believe it’s already half over. When I think about this internship ending I get really sad because I’ve made such good friends here and the overall atmosphere is just so amazing. Everyone is just so happy and friendly all the time that it makes coming to “work” (it’s too much fun to be classified as really working) the highlight of my day. Drew just walked in! I know that’s really off topic but now I’m really excited because he’s been gone for a few weeks-but that just goes to show how much all of us interns are going to miss the Aquarium because if we couldn’t bare three weeks without Drew, how are we going to handle it when the internship is ends?! From the staff to the animals to the many guests, I’m going to really miss this internship when it ends. But on the same note, I’m really happy I had this opportunity and can’t wait for the next four weeks!

Love, Jax


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