Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Josh is going to miss...

Man, I don’t even want to think about the internship being over yet! Instead, I’m going to take it one week at a time and keep thinking about how I can improve my performance on the job and also the learning environment that hundreds of kids get to experience here at the Aquarium every day. I have really enjoyed my first four weeks and have met so many great co-workers and guests. These are definitely the great things about the Aquarium that I will miss. I’ll also miss all the cool animals that I get to see every day I work, whether they be birds, reptiles, or one of the thousands of fish, there’s no other job where you get to be around such a wide assortment of animals like at the Aquarium. The shift I will miss the most will definitely be animal programs, since I won’t have a chance to hold alligators or snakes as chill and relaxed at the Aquarium. Hopefully I will have the time during the school year to volunteer and continue to be a part of such a great experience!



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