Saturday, April 10, 2010

March Class: Group B

The very next weekend, Group B came to the Aquarium for their March class. They also got to go canoeing at Francis Beidler. It was another adventurous day!

“This opportunity was absolutely amazing to be a part of today.” - Blanchez Sharpe

“I had so much fun today in my third training class. I learned how to kayak/canoe, and it wasn’t as easy as I thought it was. It helped us learn teamwork because to operate the kayak you needed to work as a team to steer and maneuver the path.” - Cameron Turner

“My favorite part, of course, was kayaking in the black water swamp at Francis Beidler Forest. I really enjoyed working together and getting to know everyone in this group.” - Kristen Oliver

“I liked the canoe trip and the hands on adventure. The trip gave a better understanding of the black water swamp.” - Carlee Henneman

Stay tuned for posts from our April Classes!

- Jaime


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