Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Training Classes 2010

Well, our 2010 training class interns have been to the Aquarium for 2 classes now. I'm a bit behind in blogging so I'm going to let you know about our January class first and then I'll post about our February class.

In January, we covered the basic stuff like an introduction to biology, taxonomy and conservation. We also wanted to make sure the interns felt comfortable in their new setting so we took them on a detailed tour of the Aquarium and showed them how to get around. Lastly, we introduced them to some of the animals like the alligators, snakes and birds so they could get a taste for what they will be doing this summer.

The day went so fast and we had a great time getting to know them better and I think they had a great time as well! Here's what a couple of them had to say:

Today was a very FUN day. I like the fact that everyone was friendly and it seemed like everyone was being themselves….I’m really looking forward to the next class.” - L’Imari Alston

“I liked coming to this class and meeting new people, I have made some new friends…I really liked the hands-on activities, I definitely learn a lot more that way.” - Jeremy Kitzman

“I didn’t like anything, I loved it! It is so important to understand the things that surround you and you’ve shown us only a fraction of what else is out there…I’ve also learned that we are more connected to other animals than we could ever imagine.” - Laticia Singleton

“I loved everything about today…My absolute favorite was looking at and even touching the different animals we are going to get to handle….Thank you for a wonderful day!” - Kristen Oliver

Stay tuned for my Feb. post. I'll have pictures too!!



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