Thursday, August 5, 2010

Erin's Funny Story

Sadly, I don't have an awesome stories to tell, but I have a bunch of small ones. One day while I was in the middle of bird rounds, Colby (a volunteer) came up to me and my partner Hillary. I was carrying a plate of fish for the salt marsh exhibit and I said, "Looks pretty yummy, huh?" Of course I was joking, but he saud, " You've got to try the foos before you feed it to the birds." Then he picked up a fish and swallowed it whole! For a second I didn't realize what he had done, but when I did all I could think for ten minutes was, "BLEEK!!" I think he should be on Fear Factor...

- Erin Peifer
(Erin is on the right in this picture. Hillary is on the left)


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