Thursday, July 7, 2011

The summer is going by so fast!

It is hard to believe but the high school interns are now halfway through their summer internship! Four weeks have just flown by!

I have been really proud of the girls and how well they work together and independently. They are always up for helping out and trying new things, even things that may have scared them in the past (like holding a snake - shout out to Nijeeah!). They are great with visitors and they are just having fun while they are here. As Maisa told me, she can't believe she gets paid to have fun :)
And it has definitely been appreciated how they have been helping with husbandry duties - from cleaning cages to making shrimp cups to changing water for alligators, the girls have a been a big help and the animals really appreciate it! (Even if they can't tell us). And if you read their blogs, they have some fun stories to share.

So GREAT job to Maisa, Samia, Shantell, Kieontay, Helena, Jessica, Quinandria, Keomba, Rebecca and Nijeeah!!! Let's hope the rest of the summer is just as good, if not better!



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