Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Nijeeah will miss

Wow, I guess the saying "Time flies by when you're having fun" holds true. I can't believe it's almost over. It feels like I'm just now getting in the zone. I really don't want the internship to end. When it is over, I will probably miss Ron Burgundy [Colombian red-tailed boa] the most (Monty is probably jealous). I feel like we have truly created a bond now, much like the polar covalent bond of the water molecule H2O. I will also missing the feeling of fear and overthinking before grabbing gators out of the big bin (only numbers 1 and 4 of course). Aside from the fun animal programs, I will miss the great stories I hear from visitors. If you know what I'm talking about, you're probably grinning, nodding in agreement and thinking "they're classic". But hands down the thing I will miss the most is all of my fellow coworkers, the volunteers, the other high school intern and of course Kathy and Kate. Everyone has been so nice and helpful. I will seriously miss the Aquarium.



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