Friday, July 13, 2012

What Destin will miss...

I’m sad that the internship is half over. I can’t believe it’s already July. It seems like just yesterday we were in training, no clue we would be the ten interns chosen. It’s crazy how fast time flies. The thing I’ll probably miss the most is the people, between my fellow co-workers and guests. I’ve learned so much. I’ve met people from Kentucky, Michigan, California and more. It’s amazing how far people travel for vacations, but I’m so glad they do because I get to learn from them. Not only will I miss meeting people from all over, but my co-workers I’ve gotten close to. I love working with them and sharing our experiences with the animals and people. Even though the internship is already half over, it doesn’ tend for me because I’m going to continue to volunteer after it’s all said and done. J That way I’ll continue to learn from people that come in.



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