Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jalonna's Funny Story exciting story from this summer woulf have to be "the Orville incident". It was quite terrifying atually. I was learning about the different snakes and decided to get to know a 'ne" one. Well, he wasn't really new, but I had never held him before. So...I got Orville out of his exhibit and he seemed calm, cool and collected at the time. But, little did I know he likes to move around A LOT. While I was holding him he started mixxing up a lot. Next thing I know he seems to jump when I tried to move him and it scared me. When he jumped, I jumped and after that, Orville and I have yet to meet again. One day we will meet face to face, but until then we shall remain out of each other's sight (LOL)!!

I will never forget the day "the Orville incident" occured :)

- Jalonna Robinson
(This is Jalonna with Rosie, not Orville)


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