Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shantell's favorite part of the internship

My favorite part of the internship has well, been the entire thing. But the one that stands out extremely well is the day "Big Girl" (our big female stingray in the touch tank) flew. I distinctly remember this adventurous Saturday mid-morning. We had touch tank duty (Quinandria and I). The morning was surprisingly busy. All of a sudden, I hear commotion (I was on the other side and didn't see the stingray actually jump out of the water). I heard screams and Quinandria ran to me and said, "The stingray jumped out of the water!" I couldn't believe that until I saw and heard the stingray flapping around on the floor. Unable to process this, I told Quinandria to call Ms. Kathy while I watched the stingray slowly stop flapping. Then a "Fred" (read The Fred Factor by Sanborn to understand) offered to pick up the stingray. I said, "If you want to, go for it but I wouldn't suggest it." The guy picked up the stingray and put her in the water. I slapped him a wet high five because he'd saved the day. Everyone in the "audience" cheered and called him a hero. I personally was just glad the stingray was safe.



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