Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Kieontay will miss

The internship is half over and I kinda feel like the half empty cup. Yes, I'm sad that I'm almost done but I'm also grateful for the time I have left. There are so many smiles to make, so many days to brighten and so many minds to intrigue to mope about it being over. Althought there is so much to miss, I'm really going to miss my girls (interns) the most. Each one of us brought something unique to the experience that cannot be duplicated. Keomba brought an amazing soft touch; Nijeeah brought her undoubtedly priceless fear factor moments; Rebecca brought her endless conversation; Helena brought her spunk and great sense of humor; Quinandria brought her heart warming smile; Jessica brought her knee-slapping "jokes"; Shantell brought her tiredless need for perfection; Maisa brought endurance and a compassion bearing friendship; Samia brought her brain and a need to learn. Last but not least, I like to think I brought the party!



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