Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Katri's First Week!

Wow! First week as an intern has been…crazy! And incredibly fun and also hectic. I have learned SO much in the past week and it’s been amazing. I think I can speak for the majority of us High School Interns when I say that it is not what I expected. Today, for example, some other HSIs and I learned about doing bird rounds. In bird rounds, we got to learn how to do some husbandry things, like feeding the birds. It was so much fun. I did not expect to have the opportunity to feed BIRDS. (I’m so excited about that. It was SO cool.) Working with and getting to know the other HSIs has been great as well. There is so much teamwork and we learn so much from each other. Earlier, Kale, Jen and I were sitting and waiting to start something and we were having a conversation about brownwater vs. blackwater swamps. That’s so interesting to me. Three teenage girls talking about swamps. Really though, where else would that happen? The environment that the HSIP has created here at the Aquarium is very educational, welcoming and fun! And everyone is extremely nice. Seriously, everyone is always smiling. The staff, volunteers, and interns just love what they are doing so much that it makes everyone who comes here love it all too!



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