Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Haven's last blog...thoughts and advice

I love the Aquarium! I’ve learned so much here and I’ve spread my knowledge to others. You learn a lot of cool facts here and I’m just honestly grateful for the chance and opportunity to work here. I would like to thank Kate and Drew for picking me as one of the interns, and also our wonderful sponsors for allowing us to have this great program. To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to have this much fun. Buy oyu do something cool and exciting everday, while learning something new. I’ve learned loads of stuff about my state of SC and the animals that inhabit here. Also you learn how to interact with other people a skill that I’ll use the rest of my life.

ADVICE! All in coming HSIs rule one: have fun because this experience is a once and lifetime opportunity. Second listen to Mama Kate and Dr. Ew, they are very intelligent, or anyone that works here. Third you’ll learn this later but be a FRED and make the most of everyday. Fourth, spread your new knowledge to other guest they’ll love it, don’t be afraid to talk to them. Lastly, take advantage of this job, savor every moment you have. I know I will!!!! This job is one of the funnest and I love it. I’m sad that it’s ending. L I’m going to miss it.
-Haven High School Intern 2013

From left: Jen, Haven and Kale


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