Friday, July 24, 2009

Clarissa's story

My job here at the Aquarium is just great. I really enjoy the people that I am working with. The other interns and I just work together so nicely. I feel like we are just one big happy family and when this is over I will never forget all the friends I have made here.

I'll even miss the little, scary, annoying thrasher (bird) in the Mountain Forest. BEWARE: He Will Follow You!!! Other than that the animals are all cool. Before I came here I was afraid of many different animals. Now I am a professional when it comes to animal programs. I never thought animals were much like people, but it is really amazing how the animals all have very unique personalities.

I don't know what I'm going to do for fun when this internship is all over. I really don't know where I am going to have another job with two fantastic bosses like Ms. Jaime and Ms. Kathy. I would like to thank you for all the amazing things you have done for us so far during the summer. I will always remember this as my first job. The Aquarium is definitely the place to be for the summer.

-Clarissa LeSueur


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