Sunday, July 5, 2009

Clarissa's thoughts so far...

My internship at the Aquarium is great. I love feeding, holding and showing the animals to visitors. The little kids that come to the building are very funny and cool. My favorite things to do here are the animals program shifts. When we first started with the animals I was terrified, but now as I get more involved and do it more ofter I just love it.

I love the people that I am working with. They are all so nice and friendly especially my intern co-workers. We are special in our own ways.

The most memorable moment at the Aquarium so far is one that I will never forget as long as I live. One great day at Harborfest I was scheduled to go work a shift at our booth with a college interns, Weatherly. She taught me how to hold an alligator. It was great! They are so cute and small. She asked me if I wanted to switch and hold the little one so the one I had could take a break. I was a little anxious and wanted to say no, but I didn't. I had heard the smaller one was fiesty. Sure enough when we switched he kept moving and tried to get away, but I held he for a while and he calmed down. I loved to see peoples faces when they walked by and saw me holding a real alligater. Unfortunately is was time for the alligator to go back to the Aquarium. The next thing I know my hands were wet and so were my pants. I bet you guys are all wondering why I was wet when the alligator was dry...yes, he tinkled all over me!

- Clarissa LeSueur


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