Friday, July 24, 2009

Christina's story

Working at the Aquarium has been the greatest time of my life. Everything and everyone is so wonderful. I Love My Job!!

One time when I was working, Chlesea and I had an animal program shift together so we decided to get an alligator. We went about our normal routine of getting the hand sanitizer, then the alligator. I realized that I had my water botle and didn't want to carry it so I went to put it in the fridge and all the sudden I hear, "AHHHHHH!" So I was thinking, I know Chelsea did not just drop the alligator and run. I walked back and noticed she was still holding it (thank goodness) and asked her what was wrong and she said, "This thing just peed on me!" I started laughing because she was pouting. I told her it would dry, but she gave me the alligator! She said she might get over it after it dried. A couple of days later we did another animal program and Chelsea said, "If we get the alligator, I'm not holding it!" I just laughed at her and told her, "OK, Chelsea."

PS - I was so funny...much love Chelsea :)

-Christina Green


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