Friday, July 24, 2009

Desiree's story

I came inthe the Aquarium with many fears and when I leave I know that I will have lost a lot of those fears. I never once thought that I would hold a snake. Dispite my fear I have managed to hold 2 different species of snakes on many different occasions, an eastern kingsnake and a ball python.

How about an american alligator? I asked myself the same questions. Even though I told myself no, I quickly changed my mind as I watched the other interns pick them up. I always thought the Crocodille Hunter was crazy for doing his job. I guess I'm crazy too! I wish somebody would have warned me that alligators have bladder problems (or at least it seemes like it).

I remember one day I was chased by this crazy bird in the Mountain Forest. Clarissa and I were doing bird rounds and that crazy little thrasher wanted to play. It jumped on my leg and I ran for my life. I was like Forrest Gump that day. There was no stopping me!

PS - the bird isn't crazy, it just startled me :)

-Desiree Jenkins


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