Friday, July 24, 2009

Stacey's stories

As a high school intern, my time at the Aquarium has been a ton of fun. Not only are the interactions with visitors and animals fun, the they can even be just plan FUNNY!

Just this week I had a hilariuos incident with an alligator. I was doing an animal program with one of our small alligators and everything seemed to be going along fine. People were petting it like normal. Then while this one woman was petting it, it peed all over her!

Another funny moment happened when I was working at the Touch Tank (funny now, but at the time it was scary!). There was this older couple and the man was trying to touch a stingray. When he put his hand in the water the stingray twitched and moved away causing the old man to grab his chest with fright. I only saw the part where he grabbed his heart and I started to gasp. I thought he was having a heart attack! His wife was cracking up at him and I realized he had just been scared!

Then yesterday while I was at the Touch Tank, a man was there with his wife and kids. Every one but him was touching something. His wife finally got him to bend over and touch, but when he bent over he let out the loudest fart I had ever heard!

So many funny things happen at the Aquarium. I hope to see you all there soon!

-Stacey Brown


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