Friday, August 7, 2009

Aurielle's sleepover fun!

I was looking forward to going camping, but bad weather kept us from going. However, we had so much fun camping at the Aquarium!

First, we went to Folly Beach to learn about sea turtles and take a dip in the ocean. The waves took me under 5 times, but I still had fun. After that we came back to the Aquarium for dinner (hotdogs and chips, YUMMY!). After our stomachs were full we played sardines. It was the best game ever and we played for over 2 hours!

At the end of the night we calmed down and watched Twlight and The Goonies. Tiffany and Clarissa made smores and Ashley helped us make bracelets and necklaces. We didn't fall asleep until 3am and woke up at 7:30 (yuck). Over all everything was so much fun and I wish we could do it again!!

-Aurielle Hollington


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