Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sleepover at the Aquarium

Every year we like to take the interns on an end of the summer field trip. This year I decided to set up an overnight camping trip on Botany Island with Meg Hoyle and the "Learning Through Loggerheads" program. The trip was all set for July 20th. The interns were ready, our tents were packed and of course we had lots of sunscreen and bug spray. Then, the rain decided to throw a huge wrench in our plans and we were unable to go :(

It was ok...It wasn't raining in Charleston so we decided to venture to Folly Beach and learn about Loggerhead sea turtles, pull a seine through the water to see what we could catch and then head back to the Aquarium for hotdogs and a sleepover. The rain didn't get in our way of an exciting day and night!!

We played in the waves, caught 3 fish, found some shells to trade in the Aquarium's trading post then had the best time playing sardines in the Aquarium before watching movies in the lower ocean gallery with fish all around us.
This is a great group of young ladies and a fun bunch to work with. Come back to the blog in a few days to see more pictures from our adventure!!



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