Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mai's sleepover fun!

Hey again! Since the last blog the other interns and I had the chance to bond some more. Ms. Jaime and Kathy planned a unique and exciting overnight camping trip to Botany Island. The plan got shattered by a storm, but the outcome was just as fun.

We went to Folly Beach and learned how to find sea turtle nests with probs, caught fish with a seine and taught Desiree to swim. I learned how to float on my back only to have a giant wave engulf me. Everyone laughed, but then helped me until I could do it on my own.

When we went to the Aquarium, dry from the sea and sand, we had a feast of hotdogs, chips and more. With our bellies full, Jaime and Kathy proposed that we play sardines (A reverse hide and seek game where the sardine hides and everyone tries to find her. When you find the sardine, you hide with her and the last person to find the group becomes the sardine). With so many nooks and crannies in the Aquarium it proved to be a difficult and fun search.

Post sardines, we set up our sleeping bags, watched Twilight and learned how to make soda tab bracelets and hemp necklaces from Ashley who was patient and stayed up for hours to help us. Clarissa, Ashley, Stacey, Chelsea and myself stayed up way past everyone else spooking ourselves with zombie stories and alien abductions. A perfect way to conclude our exciting day!

-Mai Pham


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