Saturday, July 25, 2009

Aurielle's stories

Well, it's the middle of July and I'm sad! The summer is almost over and that means my job is almost over. At least I have funny stories to share.

One day last week, I had a animal program so I decided to get a box turtle. Kids kept trying to touch his head so he pulled his head in his shell, stuck his tail out and tinkled all over the floor and a little boy!

I will never forget the day that I had Monty, the ball python, out and this lady was asking me where the restroom was. She didn't realize I had a snake because he was wrapped around my wrists like a bracelet. I was telling her where to go for the restroom and all the sudden she jumped in the air and ran! Eventually she found the restroom :)

Another good memory is when we were doing bird rounds in the Mountain Forest and the bobwhite quails were walking backwards in front of me while churping "bob...white".

The best thing about this job is that there is never a dull moment in the Aquarium. You can always get a laugh, from visitors to co-workers to the animals...especially Liberty (bald eagle). Beware: if she is having a bad day, she will poop right after you've finished cleaning her exhibit :)

-Aurielle Hollington


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