Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mai's story

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote. Collectively, the other interns and I have gotten trained on the bird cart, trading post and skunk feeding. To feed the skunks we use a clicker to wake them up and then pour in crickets for them to eat. They pounce on them. It's so cute!

We also got to help with harborfest. We brought out reptiles and talked about the Aquarium to the people who walked by. While we were there, two show pilots were practicing their tricks. One time the pilot accelerated towards the bridge and pulled up at the last minute, narrowly missing it...Crazy!

I leave this blog with a flashback on our pre-intern training days. Stacey, Ashley and I decided to take the freight elevator with two other training class interns. At the last minute we jumped off to take the stairs, but then found out we were locked out. We were freaking out and when we finally figured out how to get up there, they were laughing at us.

Anyway, my blog is a bit random today, but there's so many things we do, that I can't write it all. One thing that won't change is that working here is fun! See you next time!

-Mai Pham


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