Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tiffany's end of the summer

Well the journey is over and my last week has come. It all went by so fast and I wish it could have laster longer. This internship has been a life changing experience for me. I have done so many new things. I've lost my fear of snakes and alligators and love owls and turtles. I think my favorite animals were the kingsnake, Inky and the boa, Rosie. They are so sweet!

Working at the Aquarium allows you to see the animals in a different way. Working here has taught me that you can't always be afraid your whole life, you have to try new things. Being here has also helped me come out of my shell a little bit. I was already friends with the other interns that go to Garrett, but I met new friends from other high schools. I really hope we don't loose touch because I never would have made it through the summer without these girls.

This summer has changed me in so many ways it's hard to leave it behind. I have worked so hard to be here and really, really don't want to say goodbye. Ms. Jaime and Ms. Kathy are the sweetest people you could ever meet. They took these 10 girls and gave us something we will never forget. They gave me a chance to face my fears and try new things. They also taught us a lot, not just about the animals, but how the real world is going to be and how to get ready for it. So...thank you so much Ms. Jaime and Ms. Kathy. I will never forget this summer! Also, thanks to the rest of the staff and volunteers for being so kind to me!

- Tiffany Denmark


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