Friday, August 7, 2009

Clarissa's sleepover fun!

My day was going just great up until I got to the Aquarium and heard we had bad news. They told us that there was some bad weather over the island and that we couldn't go camping. I was a little upset until they said we were still going to the beach and we were going to sleepover at the Aquarium. I didn't want to believe it, but by the looks on their faces I knew they were serious. We sucked it up and had a great time at the beach!

The waves were so strong it kept knocking everyone down. We didn't let that stop us from having fun. Once we got back to the Aquarium we all ate and talked. Ms. jaime had a great idea and we all decided to play a game.

The game was like hide-and-seek, but a little different. I never knew that 13 people could actually fit into such small places :) I really enjoyed the game, but I have to say that Ms. Kathy's spot was the best and also the funniest. I thought we were never going to get out of that spot! Even with the hints, some people still didn't catch on. Once, I looked next to me and it wasn't even one of the interns, it was Weatherly. She had just gotten back from an Aquarium Outreach Program and joined the game. She didn't even know what we were doing :) After 2 hours of playing everyone got tired of running around the Aquarium so we decided to rest.

Everyone tried to fall asleep, but I did a good job off keeping them up. We watched movies and ate junk food all night. That was my favorite part. Late at night we started hearing things and we got scared. Even the toilet flushed for no reason and that's when I ran to my sleeping bag! I was scared and so was everyone else. We laid down and went to sleep.

When I woke up I was FREEZING! I really didn't want to get up, but it was time to go. I got up and went straight to eating. I really enjoyed the night at the Aquarium and wouldn't mind doing it again anytime.

Maybe another time we'll get to Botany Island!

-Clarissa LeSueur


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