Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hillary's Funny Story

This story is from the first time I got to take the sea turtles up to the roof with Erin, Jeremy and Caitlin. Once we got up there we sat down the watch them and Jeremy, Caitlin and I decided we were going to hug a sea turtle. So, we each grabbed their containers and gave our sea turtle a big hug!

There wwas another time when I first met penguin 138 (Squirt). I have to say, he is the funniest animal I have ever met. He spins around while he eats and makes noises that sound like he's yelling, "WHOA"!

Lastly, my weirdest experience would have to be then I witnessed 2 blue crabs eating another crab. It was definetly disgusting, but facinating at the same time. I remember I had no idea what to do. All these boys were saying, "Look! It's dead! They killed it!" I just thought, "Oh my goodness, I need a radio so I can call for help."

- Hillary Evans
(A picture of Caitlin, Jeremy and Hillary giving their turtles a "hug")


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