Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Helena's favorite part of the internship

There has been so many awesome aspects of working at the Aquarium that I can't think of my favorite part. I wonder if favorite parts will work. I don't want to write out a long, drawn out blog so this is going to be short and sweet (probably because the evil baby sea turtles were stubborn today). Anyways, back to my favorite parts. I absolutely just love working at the Aquarium. Not many teenagers can say that they have/had an awesome job like this one. I love working with the other interns, who are just crazy as me, and Kathy and Kate. Another awesome part of working here is that I feel good knowing that I'm educating the public about marine life. I'm going to miss conversing with people from all over the country and world, the animals here, the interns and other employees, and the sheer awesomeness of the Aquarium and all the crazy moments I had in this building. Oh snap! I almost forgot about the coffee cakes down at the Sea Turtle Cafe. I think I'm an addict. Hehehehehe......



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