Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nijeeah's favorite part of the internship

At this point, I think I've mentioned my favorite part in every single blog. Yep, you've guessed correctly. My favorite part has been overcoming my now depleted fear of snakes. Yes, it is true, I have grown to love handling these vivacious yet misunderstood reptiles, but truth be told I'm still terrified. I think my love of the snakes may have something to do with my desire to feel my body bursting with adrenaline. Or perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I am "100% real" (that's what my future tattoo will read).

My favorite snake is Ron Burgundy because he's all man. I admit, he is a bit scary. Perhaps a bit is an understatement. The best part with working with him is when he is on your neck and then proceeds to rest his head next to yours, sticking out his devilish, black tongue just to smell the fear of his potential victim (sarcasm intended). But once again the fact that this "terrifying" Colombian red-tailed boa is my favorite, says a little something about my desire to live on the edge. "You've got to risk it to get the biscuit"



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