Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quinandria's favorite part of the internship

So I know favorite typically means one. HOWEVER, I have more than one favorite part about the internship.

#1 Encounters with little kids - they're the best because everything amazes them and nine times out of ten, they're more brave than their parents.

#2 Handling the animals (snakes, gators) - so in the words of Nijeeah "Just another ole' day of wrangling gators and what not." But ever since one of the gators flippled out on me and blessed my arm with a little of his urine, I'm more hesitant. But I'm working my nerves back up because they're awesome. The snakes are the coolest, especially Monty (my husband) and Orville (my part-time husband). They're really chill and calm.

#3 Working with an awesome group! - I love all of the interns, we will be at each other's necks sometimes but it's all love! My favorite parts with them are making fun of each other, even though Shantell's jokes be stale! Shout outs to my rap buddy "K Wizzle" for helping make that rap!

I love it here! :)



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