Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Jen will miss...

Half over?? What are you talking about, we just started! I don’t even want to think about it being over, I am really having a blast here. I’ve grown close to people and I have just been having a great time, I mean who wouldn’t miss MMK, AshBrown, Drew (Dr. Ew), even though he was gone for most of the internship, and Lemur Guy (aka Baby J)?? The Aquarium staff isn’t’ even like a staff, we’re like family!
Besides having fun off the job seen, I have to admit, I am seriously going to miss this job. This job not only improved my getting out of my shell program, but it showed me more; it showed me what I want to do after high school. I always said “Oh, I’m going into the medical field to be _______”, but after my junior year, I said “I don’t know what I want to do with my life after high school.” Thanks to the internship, I am really interested in the environment and marine life, so now I will be studying in that field.

I would like to say “Thank you Kate and Drew for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity for helping me find what I wanted to do after high school. I really wouldn’t be here without you guys. I am going to miss everyone here and miss seeing those “WOW” faces from people. This job has taught me SO much and how to be a FRED! J This may sound more like a farewell blog than a blog, but that’s ok, I just love this job so much and the people who work here, I can’t bear to imagine that it’s almost half over. L



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