Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How Jen feels about husbandry...

Oh husbandry…! I think it’s the greatest thing ever! Most people would fine it smelly and gross, but it is so much fun! I think it’s fun to see the birds eat because it might possibly be the most active I’ll ever see them be. I also like to see the fish attack the smelt. My personal favorite part would be feeding the owls. Being able to say “I got to pet an owl and he didn’t fly away” is the best thing ever. (Surprisingly, the dead mice don’t bother me, even if they are bloody.) After all of the fun is over, there comes cleaning duty. Although I am not a fan of cleaning any type of dish, I do not mind washing bird trays. “No good deed goes unpunished.” In the end, it’s all worth it, even the smell of gross fish stinking up the room.



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