Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lexi's last blog...thoughts and advice

The internship is literally the best thing ever! I’m so glad Kate came to my school to speak to me about this program. Every ounce of effort you put into becoming an intern is completely worth it. The encounters and activities you experience at the Aquarium are some that most people will never get to experience. I feel like the internship not only impacts the summers of the interns, but it impacts the rest of our schooling years (even through college) and the rest of our lives. Everything I’ve learned here at the Aquarium, I’m completely fascinated and proud to know. The experience at the Aquarium also makes me want to educate others about things like conservation methods, Madagascar, sea animals, Megladons, and Freds. Even if they are random facts, the information I’ve learned is valuable and interesting.
I’ve gained knowledge about the world around me, I’ve learned the massive impact of smiling and team work, and most importantly I’ve gained the friendship of 9 amazing people. Alexis, Haven, Haley, Jax, Jen , Josh, Jesslyn, Katri, and Kale are the best coworkers and I am so happy to have met them, and for that I thank Kate and Drew not only for helping me meet new people, but also being the best bosses EVER! It breaks my heart that it is so close to being over. *tears up*sniffle,sniffle* L

Some advice for the future intern kids is try your hardest not to procrastinate on your homework for the Aquarium (or at school J) and to know that it’s okay if you don’t know the answer to something. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or speak to people & be friendly and open to criticism. But most importantly HAVE FUN (honestly, though, it’s like inevitable). J <3 o:p="">
- Lexi
From left: Jen, Kale, Lexi and Alexis

Alexis' last blog...thoughts and advice

My thoughts on the internship program is this is a great experience. I have learned so much like how to create a cover page and a resume. Also, I learned so many different things about animals. I had gained communication skills and how to work with people. To all the students who will like to do the internship is to work really hard on your homework at the training classes. Make sure you really want to work with animals. This is a really great job and just really appreciate it.

From left: Lexi and Alexis

Katri's last blog...thoughts and advice

Now that your internship is almost over, what are your thoughts on the internship program? What did you learn/gain from doing this? Any advice for students who would like to do this internship in the future?
Why do y’all keep saying that it is almost over! It just makes us sad. L Really, though, I think the internship program is great. It is really well structured and has a great educational benefit. I’m so grateful that I was able to participate in the program. I have learned a bundle of things from this experience. At family night last night I realized just how much we have all learned from this experience. Plus, the amount of people skills that we all have gained will help us so much in our lives. We’ve also met people from all over the world with a wide range of interests and knowledge. And we’ve had a lot of fun!! Everyone at family night last night was also commenting on how comfortable we are with all the animals. So many people have overcome their fears through this program!

My advice to any students who would like to do the internship in the future is DO IT. You will learn so much and you will be glad you did. It’s like getting paid to do the most fun thing ever. And really, what could be better? Heh, that kind of rhymed. J
From left: Jen, Katri and Haley

Haley's last blog...thoughts and advice

My thoughts are a mixture of gratefulness and happiness. I love all the interesting facts and animals and opportunities that I was presented with this summer. I gained so much knowledge about animals, conservation and people skills. I definitely gained patience with people, and I learned how to be understanding and a good listener. This internship has taught me lifelong people skills that will benefit mu future endeavors.

For students that are looking into this program: DO IT! It will be the smartest decision ever, I am jealous of the people who get to the training classes and process next year. If you’re going to do it, then do it the best you can. Complete all the homework and read the homework pages. And most importantly, do not take it for granted. Every training class, every friendship made, every lesson learned, and every shift, don’t take it for granted. It will not last forever, and you need to value every moment possible. I was so lucky to be a part of the amazing High School Intern Program, and I hope the future students will consider all the hard work that it takes, and they should definitely do it!

From left: Haley and Haven

Kale's last blog...thoughts and advice

The internship is almost over and I wish it wasn’t! These have been the best eight weeks with the most amazing people. I have gained knowledge and skills that will last a lifetime. I have learned an incredible amount about aquarium life but also have gained people skills and learned how to be the best coworker I can be…A FRED! I have been inspired constantly by all the education staff and part-timers. I’m really going to miss them. No matter what field we all go into, our Aquarium days were the best foundation us HSIP kids could have. Most priceless, I have gained 9 new best friends. We’ve had such a great time together both on the job and on the fun day/sleepover night.

My advice for future interns is to work hard in the training classes. Go above and beyond on your homework. Most of all, be yourself. When it gets to summer, don’t stop working hard! Enjoy each day because in the blink of an eye, it is over! Definitely be open to trying everything. For example, I never in a million years thought I would handle all the animals I did! You’re going to have an amazing time and I hope you develop a love for this place as much as I did! Good luck! J


Haven's last blog...thoughts and advice

I love the Aquarium! I’ve learned so much here and I’ve spread my knowledge to others. You learn a lot of cool facts here and I’m just honestly grateful for the chance and opportunity to work here. I would like to thank Kate and Drew for picking me as one of the interns, and also our wonderful sponsors for allowing us to have this great program. To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to have this much fun. Buy oyu do something cool and exciting everday, while learning something new. I’ve learned loads of stuff about my state of SC and the animals that inhabit here. Also you learn how to interact with other people a skill that I’ll use the rest of my life.

ADVICE! All in coming HSIs rule one: have fun because this experience is a once and lifetime opportunity. Second listen to Mama Kate and Dr. Ew, they are very intelligent, or anyone that works here. Third you’ll learn this later but be a FRED and make the most of everyday. Fourth, spread your new knowledge to other guest they’ll love it, don’t be afraid to talk to them. Lastly, take advantage of this job, savor every moment you have. I know I will!!!! This job is one of the funnest and I love it. I’m sad that it’s ending. L I’m going to miss it.
-Haven High School Intern 2013

From left: Jen, Haven and Kale

Josh's last blog...thoughts and advice

The internship program has really been a fun and inspiring experience for myself and is a great summer program to commit to. It is a good stepping stone for any career path a person chooses to go into, whether it is in environmental sciences, communications or even business. I, personally, am so glad and proud of myself for even getting into the program and gaining the experience I need for my ideal career and future success. Guest/customer interaction is probably the most important thing I have learned from the internship. Saying hello, asking how their day has been, and having casual conversation has a very high positive effect on the Aquarium experience and does wonders for the guests. Interaction and also interpretation skills are crucial in making memorable experiences for persons of all ages. If there is any advice that I would give to future interns, I would tell them to just hang loose and not stress. There may be times when you are exhibit guiding or running a cart program and nobody is really interested about the props you have to show them, and you feel stressed or nervous because you are just standing still. Relax and just hang around, even check out and read the things you have out yourself or the exhibits around you. No matter what there’ll always be that one person who, from your interaction, will learn something new and enjoy your presence.
